How can the blog of recipes, crafts, sayings and other little snippets be used for businesses?
People have found a great use for Pinterest using the repin feature. This way of circulating data online has drawn the attention from businesses from all sorts of markets.
Perhaps the simple statistic, "1.4% of Twitter tweets are "retweeted" 80% of Pinterest pins are "repinned"" will help explain why companies are jumping on "board" with Pinterest.
With the capabilities to have corporate boards where they can sort material to their liking, companies are now placing the iconic "P" next to the Facebook "F" and the Twitter "T".
While women primarily drive the popularity of Pinterest, it is only a matter of time before men will find their stake on the growing site. MLB and other male-driven companies have already established their boards. Stay pinned to see more postings from these companies.
What companies have you seen utilizing the Pinterest interface? How could you see your company or organization use Pinterest to help communicate better?
The following links may help you learn more about Pinterest:
How Pinterest Can Help You
How Pinterest Can Help Your Business
"Pinfluence" on Businesses
I almost think that Pinterest is anit-business or corporation. Pinterest is mostly a lot of arts and craft ideas that you do with stuff around the house or from a junk yard. I could maybe see some recipe book or cooking company getting involved, but it'd be hard since most of the stuff that gets repinned is truly an organic craft or recipe that you can make with the stuff you already have.