This is great to keep up to date on the best restaurants, local activities, and other fun times, but it also creates a problem with sharing too much information. Especially in this election season, Instagram is posing legal issues. Today already, there have been over 500,000 #vote pictures listed on Instagram. These pictures include posts of individuals actual ballots.
This has been deemed illegal by several states, but is this a real problem? Is it important to keep this information private? What are your opinions?
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I actually posted my ballot online for a little while until one of my friends said that it could be illegal. I don't see how posting a picture is any different than posting "just voted for Romney." Thats just my opinion.
ReplyDeleteI think this is illegal because it is your own decision and private. People are hurting others over the fact that they chosen the candidates that are running, and it shouldn't be public until after the election is over.
ReplyDeleteI feel like this could actually help the voting process from fraud votes and fake votes by states and voting places. People can actually see who they voted for, and if the votes really get counted up correctly by who ever counts the vote, as someone wise once said " Its not the Vote that counts, But Who counts the Votes".
ReplyDeleteI don't see how taking a picture of who you voted for is any different than walking up and telling someone...I think it should be left up to the voter, I mean we are supposed to be the land of the free right?
ReplyDeleteI don't see why it is a big problem. I think that it would probably cause more personal strive than it would any other kind of problems. In my opinion I think it is a private thing. Political views should be kept private often. But honestly posting on facebook is no different than taking a picture for instagram.