Monday, November 26, 2012

Twitter Trolls...

This year there have been many companies, sports teams or public figures that have been criticized either for the Tweets they post or insolent Tweets posted about them.

Recently, the Los Angeles Lakers fired Coach Mike Brown (who was only there for five games) blaming him for their poor start to the season. Fans began voicing their opinions about Brown. 

Not only have there been threats made against Coach Brown, but also against his teenage son. Threats on Twitter have become a fad of our time. More and more athletes and public figures have been threatened on Twitter. Recently Sportscaster Erin Andrews was a victim of this with this Tweet posted,

“@ErinAndrews You make eye contact with me and I will chop you apart. You are just a bad thing”

With this trend becoming more and more common on Twitter, do you think more censoring will come into play? Or will they just continue to allow people to make threats??

Here is a link to read more about the issue twitter trolls


  1. The thing is, people gain a lot of courage over the internet because they don't have to follow up with what they say, if it was in person they would have to answer for what they say but over the internet there are no consequences.

  2. This is the one thing I don't like social media, because its sperat information to fast. And when its started there have nothing you can stop it. No matter is good or bad,It is what alway happen by the Internet. People over think about something, Post whatever they want and without care others feeling.

  3. People have always talked big over the internet, I think it's just easier to see it now since it is public. I think having a person's name attached to their comments may help calm people down, but I doubt it. I highly doubt @ErinAndrews will ever say that to another person's face.

  4. I don't think they should censor things on the internet... who would be in charge of the censoring? Once that starts, where do you draw the line? It's awful that people put things on there that are threatening, but those things need to be taken with a grain of salt until something actually precipitates from it.

  5. The internet shouldnt be censored, but if a crime was to happen to Brown then I hope they get hassled as suspects.
